"It was an odd feeling, I agreed with their complaints, but I saw them as fun rather than broken," says Kanguran. The studio followed through, and the Mako was nowhere to be seen in either Mass Effect 2 or 3. It was only as the sequel rolled around in 2009, after they'd become a little more net-savvy, that they discovered a dense faction of gamers petitioning BioWare to purge the Mako from the Milky Way entirely. Plus, high powered cannons always make for good times on soft targets." Kanguran told me that when they first played Mass Effect, they were too young to be an active participant on the internet. "Driving across a plain at mach five to a blip on the map to blast more raiders was fun. But it also let players explore worlds in a way that we couldn't otherwise, and I'll still hold up the Mako as a better alternative to planet scanning from Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3," one Mako apologist, who posts as Kanguran on Reddit, told IGN.
"The Mako was clunky and god knows the physics were janky as all hell. To them, the Mako is a net-positive gain for the series, and (as far as they're concerned) BioWare better not mess with the formula. No amount of slander can break them, and they'll turn away every antagonistic forum thread undeterred.
It probably isn’t, but it could be high on the list.Īnd yet, even now, some people are willing to defend the Mako to the ends of the Earth - or Therum or Ilos – and back. "Is the Mako the worst designed in-game vehicle ever?" asks a prescient GameFAQs forum thread.
It’s difficult to take Tali, Liara, and Ashley seriously as they're barrel-rolling across the moon.
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Here was this pulpy sci-fi odyssey full of iconic characters and a world-class story, with this clunky excuse for a humvee jammed into it. BioWare (especially the BioWare of the ME1 era) wasn't exactly known for its deft mechanical ingenuity – grenades were once mapped to the Back button (you may remember it as ‘Select,’ it’s now Share/View) – but the Mako was still a profound outlier. Even the mildest of intergalactic speed bumps were enough to send it flying.
At the time, BioWare was still working out the vehicle’s design kinks, and the Mako seemed to handle like it was simultaneously 1,000 tons of futuristic steel but also as light as a feather. Most people today regard the Mako as one of the hilariously botched eccentricities in the Mass Effect series. It was a novel enough idea in theory – nobody wants to traverse a barren spacescape on foot, so why not offer the player a taste of the lunar rover fantasy? The Mako seemed like a tidy solution to that problem – if only it had controlled a little bit better. Will they add any clarifying easter eggs? Will I be able to create the same Shepard I did 14 years ago? Are they going to make Kaiden romanceable from the beginning? All of these are worthy queries, but in the immediate aftermath of the unveiling one debate reigned supreme on the Mass Effect subreddit: Should they make the Mako better, or leave it exactly as it was, in all its janky glory?You remember the Mako, right? The first Mass Effect game introduced a hardy six-wheeled tank that Commander Shepard used whenever they made landfall on any of the galaxy map's boring, arid planets. The announcement of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition last November may not have made as big a splash as the reveal of a new game in BioWare's sci-fi series, but it did raise all sorts of questions.